dijous, 7 de juny del 2012

exam week

In this week for the monday to friday, for day the exam less tuesday not the exams is a very estressed, and the exams it's very difficult in monday we played ciencies del mon contemporani and biologi the biologi exam is aprobed, the tuesday not exams, the wednesday  we played ciencies de la terra and filosofi, the thursday is estressed 100% english and catalan and today is the day very difficuld, we played chemical and spanish, the spanish is very difficult for old (materia) the Mariajose s'ha flipat and chemical it's difficuld formuls, but should be and tomorrow in mallorca in encorauge this Manlleu

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012

silent hill

Rose, a mother, try to find a cure for her daughter sick. Unable to resign herself to the diagnosis of doctors who intend permanently commit her for psychiatric care, Rose flees with her ​​daughter until you reach a seemingly deserted town. The town is odd Rose and daughter is the accident of car, and there begins the histori for silent hill.