dijous, 24 de maig del 2012

El principe de la niebla

The book "El principe de la niebla" is book we read that the recuperation for the second quarter for spanish. This is interesand book, is ficcion and magic book there is an evil magican, and the protagonist main are Max Roland Victor Kray and Alicia.
The story startet when the family Carver change of house the city in a coastal village and there are forwards all stoies the book, have as are the personatges for the book. reading the book and you'll find a world fot adventures, romantics moments and lots more. Reading the book.

The letter

Dear Banana,
How are you?, I hope you are well!, Have you finished your exams? I have finished my examns and i'm on holiday in Manlleu and i'm writing this letter to invited one week in August in Manlleu "summer paradise". The second week of August is town festival, on saturday the "BIG BAND" the best grup in Europa, will play in Manlleu. The oder days we can go to Xauxa, which is the best pub in Manlleu.
If you cine hear, you will have a good time with my friends Toni, Bujuarra, Eloy, Rai, Aina, Msr jintonic, Mr billard, Rofer of Xauxa and "Jefa, said by Jordi"

I hope you come love.